Before I begin, let me explain.
I have a... somewhat bad case of social anxiety. ;w;
What's that, you ask?
Um... to put it in a nutshell, social situations make me uncomfortable or overly nervous.
That's the main reason I chose to homeschool when I entered high school. Teenagers terrify me, and I am one.
Am I weird yet? :D
When I visited my local high school in 11th grade to take the PSAT, I shook. Like shaking, like when one is cold. I was scared of all the people. ;u;
When I visited that same high school to take the SAT, I shook less, but actually felt awful because I got lost like a stupid person and ended up entering the test room last, which meant like everyone looked up and watched me come in and sit down. It made me uncomfortable. Plus also being around so many people my age. (From 6th-8th grade, I went to a small one-room school, and was always the oldest, so...)
But even if I have social anxiety...
I get lonely very, very easily. It's the whole reason I took up tutoring kids from my old school in my 10th & 11th grades. I felt lonely at home. But then my mom got remarried and we moved. So I was lonely again! D:
Wow, this is sounding like a very depressing story haha, it'll get better, I swear!
So I looked up homeschooling resources online, and eventually somehow found a link to Homelink. And holy-moly, when I read about it, did it sound awesome.
Going to class once a week to be taught by a real teacher! Score.
No running or yelling in the hallways! Yay! (I'm a quiet person, er, loud noises both irritate and scare me.)
No hugging between boys and girls? I'm safe! Yay. No contact with scary boys!
Doesn't sound like a big program, probably aren't a lot of kids, yeah!
... lol then I signed up. And went to visit.
Man, when Mrs. Mullins brought us down to the cafeteria hall thing, I was terrified. Then she called Yuka & Kalli over to say hi and I was like "n-no no no it's okay it's fine I don't have to talk to anyone I'm just here to see please don't make me say hi oh god" and I was hiding behind my mom lol, who told me to shush.
I mean seriously I looked awful my hair was a mess and everything. :( I didn't know I'd actually see people...!
Then on my first day I sat by myself. I didn't wanna intrude on other peoples' tables with my lowly presence.
Then they all came over to me >:C And I inwardly freaked out. Like, jeepers, WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING HERE DO YOU REALIZE YOU ARE SITTING WITH A SOCIAL UN-BUTTERFLY. A SOCIAL CATERPILLAR. A SOCIAL UM... is larvae before caterpillar?
But I clicked with Yuka & Kalli since they liked anime and the like. c: Uwuwuwu.
And became intimidated by Keaton. :( TOO FRIENDLY AND FORWARD AND QUESTIONS LEKRJELARKG like the "so what do you honestly think of us" one
But it's ok.
Because today I realized I'm happy coming to school every Tuesday & Thursday.
Today I asked someone if their calculator was new instead of just assuming it (which I normally do because I'm too scared I'll talk and they won't hear me and I'll feel like ignored and just alerkjge;g)
Today, I stated the question I needed help on, instead of being scared of looking stupid. >:U And got the question right in the first place. Way to go self.
Today, I smiled at someone I didn't know~
Today, when Janelle said hi to me, I happily said hello back! :D I actually surprised myself then, I thought "uh woah that came out happier than I intended"
Today, I touched Kellin's poodle hair. :I Not sure if this is positive but oh well.
Today, I asked Stetson what classes he was in instead of just guessing and wondering forever. He also told me my shirt was nice.
Today, I told Yuka something really embarrassing about myself and she didn't judge me and we laughed about it and laughed some more.
Today, Yuka showed me weird things in her magazine that made me choke on my food because they were so ridiculously funny and just alkrgje;rgk
Today, someone told me I had nice pants on. Sparkly. xD
Today, I asked Keaton for a hug. |・ω・`) Fun fact: I love hugs. Fun fact #2: I have a slight phobia of males due to some bad experiences I had when I moved here. So yay, progress! >:V
;3; Homelink makes me happy.
I'm not so shy anymore. (゚▽ ゚)
I'm not so scared anymore.
It feels like an accomplishment.~
If you read all of that, srsly come here so I can give you a virtual hug. c: -hugs-
As for rl hugs we will have to see about those lol. >.<;
I think you would be surprised that many people have the same anxieties, it just takes different shapes. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThis is a test comment. Good job!
ReplyDeleteThis was really great. A lot of people can't put their thoughts and feelings into words like you can. And I can't blame you for being scared of Keaton in the beginning I had to slap him a couple times because he was scaring people. Great job with this. Keep it up.
ReplyDeletevirtual hug