Wednesday, October 26, 2011

either way, my brain is exhausted.

Here I am writing my blog entry because I don't want to do other schoolwork at the moment. Ehe...
Welp, I got through my ACT, and it's... eh.
The english and essay sections were so easy...
Except for the reading, it was easier than the math & sciences, but but not as easy as the essay and english stuffs.
Science would have been okay, but they used so many science-y terms, it took forever to read/understand...
Math just. XD Oh man. I skipped anything that involved sin/cos/tan & functions. I just can't math. D: What kind of Asian am I.

Tomorrow's Thursday. :V Usually my have-fun day since I like most of my classes on that day but for some reason I feel oddly nervous! Why. I don't even have that much homework.

The harvest party thing is on Friday, but I'm not going, lol.
I'm going to stay home as usual on my computer...
I really don't feel like writing much right now... I'm hungry and have a headache.

Time for random writing.
The email I use for this blog is ha, based on this song.
I just like all the songs by this composer. They're catchy. ヾ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
I know how to sing this song, but I'm normally to scared to really sing it out since I am afraid of being loud.
But the fast part in the middle is really really fun to singgg~ And it's in my range, hooray!
Also yes I know it's a bit of a depressing song...? All of the composers songs are like this though. But I like looking at how to interpret this kind of thing. Maybe that's why I like his songs so much. Catchy tune + open to interpretation. I don't know how to interpret this one myself, though.

The girl and the boy somehow separate then the boy falls into some kind of state she has to save him from? Who knows. @A@

Weh. I want to learn an English version too, because some of the English versions out there are pretty bomb. |D Maybe I will post some singing on here sooner or later.

TIME FOR another spam of doodles I do while in Modern lit/during lunch/during math/during Japanese, yes? It hath been too long. I planned to post them every week but I kept getting lazy. XD

During Modern Lit... she has ribbons in her hair.

During Japanese, while learning A.M./P.M. lol. 

Messed up on eyes so filled them in now they look scary.
During Math.

Also during Math. I knew the concept already so...
Also modern lit doodle.

Doodle during lunch break. Took 3 minutes :DD
Another lunch break doodle.

And then I was supposed to write out the love character in Mandarin for someone because she didn't know if a shirt she had really did say "I love Hong Kong" so I offered to write it and see if she recognized it but she didn't know so it just turned into a bunch of nonsensical Japanese and Mandarin practice.

Wow my Mandarin handwriting is so awful... 8(
I need to practice my pronunciation too lolol so when people ask "Are you Chinese" I can reply in Mandarin.
Annnddd there's my like.
Half an hour of writing. XD
Time for lunch and more schoolwork!


  1. I like your blog in general, very pink and anime-y. By the way, your Mandarin handwriting is a lot better than mine.
