Friday, September 30, 2011

that one post about shiny calculators and doodles in pen

So I finally got off my lazy bottom and followed everyone else~ Yay. 25 blogs total. (`ヘ`;) Though, Tyler isn't a Modern lit student so just 24 I guess maybe. And added everyone to the sidebar. It's long, but oh well~ It's in order of whoever updated most recently. I hope I got all the URLs right. That would be embarrassing if I got one wrong or forgot one or ended up accidentally adding a stranger...

; - ; To be honest, I'm scared about the commenting on people's entries part. Just a little.
What if I say something offensive or stupid... D:
I can't go and hide on the internet. I'll have to see you all in real life at one point or another. (´・ω・`)

Also lol I feel like my URL is childish compared to everyone else's... probably 'cause of the fairy part. But oh well! I'm a childish person. I'm okay with that. It's kinda amusing. Like, the look people give me when I tell them I'm a senior? Priceless. :'D

Ehhh, my blog stats are informing me I have visitors from Canada and Russia. What? Why?
Hello to you guys too, I guess! Sorry I don't know French or Russian though. I tried both, French was fun but Japanese & Mandarin were more fun. First lesson of Russian, I took one look at the characters and one listen to the word, and exited the program lol whoops.


My graphing calculator arrived in the mail today~ ヾ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ I think it's shiny. And huge. My goodness, I didn't know calculators could be so big. Czech it out, yeah?

Please excuse the embarrassing photo quality, I'm too lazy to get my real camera out so I used my phone. `w`

Now I can finally do math without so many issues. =A= Been using iPhone calculator and that's been such fail.


We're going to Columbia this weeeeekend which wouldn't be so bad, but it's camping. I don't like camping. (Even though we have an RV, OTL. I'm sorry. I still don't like it.) I don't like going outside... My idea of fun is staying inside and drawing or playing the piano (but my mom sold off our old piano and didn't buy a new one, so I'm just... -sigh-)

The only good point about going to Columbia is that they have good bubble tea!! ~ Ah yes. I wonder how many cups I'll buy when we go. I miss bubble tea. Being from California (helloooo, Asians and Mexicans everywhere), I remember when I used to have a couple cups a week. So getting bubble tea at all out here is a blessing. ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ Especially if it's good (because yes, I have tasted bubble tea out here that wasn't... that great). I could drink the stuff everyday if I was able. Drink it like other people drink coffee or soda. XD Ah, but it'd be expensive.

Unless I was in Hong Kong or Asia. Milk tea and stuff is really cheap there. And really good. (o゚▽゚)o Well, at least it was when I was in Hong Kong. The milk tea I bought from the airport in Japan was good & cheap too though, so I have high hopes. ヾ(^ー^)ノ

Yesterday, I was doodling in modern lit class (should I admit that here or will it get me in trouble...) on my notes, and ah, I think my drawing turned out pretty nicely for a pen doodle.

Normally pens are my enemy in writing, so I should suck at drawing with them... But there are occasional days when I'm okay with them, I guess. Just... smudging everywhere. My hand was all inky afterwards too because I'm not careful where I put my hand.

But yeah. ;3; It's cute enough for me I think.

Both my kitties are sleeping on my bed. It's cute, and I don't feel lonely, but it's a bit crowded. xD And I have a double bed too. But there are books and laundry everywhere, so the added kitties make it...

Well, I'm sitting in a corner of the bed, lol. My legs hurt from being folded up and stuff. I want to go play. But nooo. I'm busy studying for the ACT. ; - ; I will kill all those tests then play all I want, yes. Play and play and have fun .... doing college applications. OTL Nooo. But after... February or March! Then I can play. Not a lot, but a bit more than now...~

Aaaannnd I think I will go get a snack.

Nutella and graham crackers again! In the past few weeks I have introduced some individuals to the delicious treat that is Nutella. I feel accomplished. And sort of like a dork now that I've written that here. Oh well! Share the love of hazelnut chocolate spread, はいはい~

Byebye~ (o*・ω・)ノ

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

... welp.

Mrs. Musick sent all the urls so far out for everyone who's made a blog in Modern lit...
and I feel like I wrote way much, looking at everyone else's posts. ;w; Bluuh. This is what blogging for 5 years gets me. XD

But yep.
But man, how am I gonna add everyone to my sidebar... (that's what I was planning to do but errr it'll stretch like a lot...)

Ah well!
/goes to do it anyways
/ .... later because I'm lazy right now I wanna draw instead
For newcomers:

你好, こんにちは、& よろしくおねがいします~
( Hello, hello, & please treat me favorably~ ヾ(^ー ^)ノ)

Hehehe, it's weird using gifs off of tumblr.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hi, hello, こんにちは, 你好, salutations~

... okayyyy, I know what you're thinking. (if you're one of my classmates, that is. Or Mrs. Musick. if not, nevermind.)
The blog wasn't supposed to be made until Monday, and my first post wasn't supposed to be until Tuesday.
But I was really really excited, actually. (゚▽ ゚) I love blogging. I have like four or five blogs at the moment. (Before you ask, no, you can't see them. They all vary in levels of personal and dorky.) And in the last five years I've had about... um, six or seven (that I currently don't use anymore). I don't know, I just find it way easier than making a normal physical journal? Since before, everytime I tried to keep a diary diary, my family would always find it and read it, thanks. Plus I know HTML/CSS, so prettying up a website is way easier than prettying up a physical book! ┐('ω`;)┌ Plus I can type way faster than I can write (but then again, that's common in this day and age, I think?), so my thoughts go on the page a lot smoother and stuff.

So, um! First post is supposed to be about writing.

Am I a non-writer, a diarist, a writer, or an artist?

At first, I thought a diarist, but after some thought, I realized I like people reading what I've written (as long as it's recent. If it's old, STAY AWAY). Be it a personal journal or whatever. So maybe a writer. It really depends. When I used to write fanfiction, I loved it when people read and commented on my stuff. ...Except for my friends. Or more like, if you were someone I knew, I definitely didn't want you to read it.  I found it embarrassing.(´・ω・`)Which is why I always wrote fanfiction under an alias... I still do sometimes l-lolorz.

Whereas when I wrote personal blog entries and stuff, I'd rather have my friends read it. And then I do roleplay (like written roleplay), I do like when people people tell me they like to read it. (ノ´∀`*)ノ Which is why I'm wondering why I got so paranoid when people I knew read my fanfic. =A=; They're like... similar. Except in roleplay you're controlling the thoughts/actions of one character and in fanfic you control the thoughts/actions of all the characters. Maybe that's why. I'm scared my friends will think I write their characters wrong. Bluuuuh. :'D /sensitiveroleplayerproblems.

tldr; I'm a writer. Lol.

But I do love writing in general. I'm not the greatest at it, but I don't think I'm awful either. I just make silly mistakes a lot. >w> I know what I'm doing, really! I just forget all the time sometimes. Painting a picture with words is more interesting than doing it with paint. I love people who can write well. *u*

Um, next question was how do I feel about blogging, but I answered that up top already. ^w^ ~
I think I will try to write about positive things about my day. =3=9 Even if my day sucked. Because I need more positive things. Yep.

And now I go back to doing other boring subjects.